Consultations for wrinkles

  • We provide consults for temporarily treating general wrinkles. The muscles responsible for certain facial expressions can also cause wrinkle.

    Many treatments are commonly used to reduce the appearance of lines which are caused by repetitive muscle contractions and movements.

    By limiting muscle movement, the skin is not creased as much during facial expressions. Continued treatments can also help prevent the deepening of existing lines and the formation of new ones.

    When performed by a skilled and experienced practitioner, these treatments can provide a more youthful and refreshed appearance by addressing existing lines without the need for surgical intervention. General wrinkles are typically in the following areas:



    Crow’s Feet

  • -Masseter ( Teeth Grinding )

    Masseter muscles are the muscles responsible for teeth grinding. These muscles also help define the side borders of the face.

    -Gummy Smile

    The Gummy Smile is caused by dramatic contraction of specific facial muscles.

    -Under arm sweating

    Profuse sweating of the armpits can be treated. The results typically last up to a year.

  • Restoring lost volume can diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

    Our skilled practitioners employ cutting-edge techniques to deliver precise and tailored results, rejuvenating your skin and boosting your confidence safely.

  • Plasma Rich Fibrinogen treatments take selected components derived from a client’s own blood and re-injects them back into specific areas. Often known as the vampire facial.

    This process takes the most potent healing and regenerative components and injects them into specific areas. Once in the skin, your own collagen and other proteins ‘activate’ the body to stimulate tissue regeneration and collagen production. It has also been successful with hair regeneration.

    From $450 per treatment

  • Ask us in clinic how to become a member.